Author: admin

  • Take Advantage of Reseller Services to Build a Stronger Web Presence

    Estimates before 2012 suggested that, through the year, just over 88 percent of internet users over the age of 13 would use the internet to browse and research products. On top of that, roughly three quarters of people who use search engines say that they find what they are looking for on the first page…

  • Social Media Marketing

    The search engine industry is one of the biggest industries on the web, producing around 16 billion dollars in revenue. Becoming visible on the first page of a search query is a common goal all website owners share. Search engine optimization is the foundation for internet marketing but social media marketing is in second place.…

  • Why You Need Social Media Marketing Options

    79 percent of search engine browsers say that they will almost always click on results that they see as being natural or “organic.” 80 percent of search engine users also say that they will almost never click on sponsored results, or what they see as being “inorganic” responses to their search query. For marketers that…